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- 9 Fleet owners, 6 Suppliers

Thought Leadership and Mobility

Presentation Video

Corporate Mobility
Mace Hartley, AFMA

What do fleet managers really want from the supply chain? Mace Hartley tackles the question of corporate mobility from the customer side.

Overview of Mobility in Asia
Vijay Rao, Frost & Sullivan

Good decisions require hard data. Frost & Sullivan are better equipped to provide this data than any other organisation in the world. Name Nameson walks through the data that tells the story of the rise of mobility.

Mobility & Taxation in Australia
Burton Andrews, BDO

IFRS, FBT and even vehicle registrations will be affected by the emergence of this mobility trend. As Australia’s foremost advisory, BDO are able to provide the right information to minimize your tax burden while ensuring full compliance with your reporting obligations.

Mobility & Technology
Ron Sullivan, OviDrive

Strong technology support is an essential aspect of any mobility solution. Ron Sullivan has been supporting the industry for over 20 years and is well placed to see you through the coming changes. 

Managed Mobility
Ed Stanistreet, Toyota Fleet Management

Will fleet management organisations stay relevant in a full mobility setting? Ed Stanistreet explains that they will not merely be relevant, but will be essential.

From Vehicle Management to
Employee Mobility
Yves Helven, Connector

The trend toward mobility is largely theoretical for most business, but industry leaders are already making large steps toward full mobility solutions. Yves Helven discusses the practical aspects of this change and how you can make a difference today.

Fleet Maturity Test

The Fleet Maturity Survey allows you to quantify the maturity of your fleet in the context of 6 categories : Car Policy, Risk Management, Sourcing & Supplier Management, Contracts & Agreements, Mobility and Powertrains, Data & Cost. The Survey walks you through the main areas of contemporary Fleet Management. After replying to 30 detailed multiple choice questions, the tool will calculate a maturity score and positions your score against a target maturity level, calculated in function of the fleet size.

You can use the tool to quantify the results of your efforts in a country or region, but most of all, we want you to enjoy this survey!

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