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Fleet Maturity Test
The Fleet Maturity Test allows you to quantify the maturity of your fleet in the context of 6 categories : Car Policy, Risk Management, Sourcing & Supplier Management, Contracts & Agreements, Mobility and Powertrains, Data & Cost. The Survey walks you through the main areas of contemporary Fleet Management. After replying to 30 detailed multiple choice questions, the tool will calculate a maturity score and positions your score against a target maturity level, calculated in function of the fleet size.
You'll understand quickly what areas of Fleet Management have reached maturity & which areas need more attention. The tool offers you the option to scrutinize multiple times for one country or compare the maturity levels of various countries; each survey is saved in your personal Connector profile and you can revisit each set of results.
You can use the tool to quantify the results of your efforts in a country or region, but most of all, we want you to enjoy this survey!

Test Setting
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