We're extremely happy to announce that, after a couple of months of hard work by Kota & myself, the new kid on the block is now officially in business!
We are not the only ones to celebrate today! GlobalFleet has launched it's brand new website, with many additional features and even more ways to personalise your content. Congrats to the entire GlobalFleet Team : Caroline, Celine, Thierry, Vincent, Steven and all the others!
What better way for Connector to start the celebration

than to show our slogan on www.globalfleet.com : the one-stop-shop for Car Fleet Advice!
During the past months, we have onboarded an amazing team of Experts and Pioneers & we're proud to say that we cover all the continents and all types of expertise. Whether you need a car policy review in Brazil, a lease versus buy in Bangladesh, advice in South Africa or information on powertrains in Denmark... we're happy to assist!
Special thanks go out to all the people who have been supporting us - the early customers obviously, but also friends and colleagues. Special thanks go out to our Pioneers, the experts who were the first ones to believe in our concept and who have agreed to play a strategic role in the company : Denis Ferault, Jose Luis Criado-Pérez, Malcolm Noyle, Nigel Webb, Poul E. Brodsgaard, Poul E. Brodsgaard, Shane Curran, Iamara Arrivabene and Horacio Leal.
Also a big thank you to our corporate partners : Nexus Communication, Spinclab & CPC! Two more partners will join very soon! Keep an eye on the website!
The Connector Team is looking forward to advise you : register for free and without obligations on the Customer Lounge and you will have the possibility to chat with the experts and with other people in the fleet industry. It's our objective to build a community & we will welcome you with open arms!
Kota & Yves